
A Disguise Within a Disguise (and Post-Halloween Wrap-up!)

What was Captain X dressed up for Halloween? A ninja, in stealth mode! Well, he wouldn't wear his neato armor piece that was part of his costume, but he was a ninja nonetheless! We just called his costume as an underdressed ninja. Captain X had tons of fun with his cousins the weekend before Halloween and went trick-or-treating at cousin Maddie and Megan's neighborhood park! But, he didn't want to carry his Elmo candy bucket, so his cousin Jenna carried it for him instead. Jenna was a lion (roar!), Maddie was a ladybug, Megan was a pirate (arrgh!), Alex was such a cute witch, and Blake was a Storm Trooper. Everyone had lots of fun and then after the trick-or-treating all the cousins went to play in the playground. Weeeee, fun for all!

Then, the very next day Mommy and Daddy took Captain X to the same big pumpkin patch that they took him to last year (but, he was too young to remember). This year, Di Sau (Mommy's aunt) join us, too! There was so much to do...we went on a train ride, the checked out all the pumpkins, and there was a carousel ride - first with Mommy and then with Daddy. Last year, he didn't know what to make of the giant pumpkins (they were bigger and taller than him, but this year Captain X wanted to lift one of the big pumpkins with his bare hands!


E and E Bungalow said...

heeeee! what a cutie captain x is in his ninja costume! looks like he and his cousins had so much fun trick/treating. did mamma let him try some candy this year? :)

Captain X said...

They did have a lot of fun! No candies this year for Captain X. He's pretty active enough without the sugar that we can only imagine what he is like sugar-charged! Maybe next year he'll get one M&M.... We'll see. ;-)