
Future Musician in the Making?

Captain X has been doing a lot of dancing and singing, and now he's become interested in musical instrument. So, when we were visiting cousin Megan and Maddie before the trick-or-treating in the park and what did Captain X spot? A piano! Mega's piano! So, he had to touch the keys, bang out a couple of tunes (no, we're just kidding. He just loved to tickle the keys a bit)... Could this be a future musician in the making? Only time will tell!

Meanwhile, we'll be looking into some sort of a music and movement class or tumbling class for Captain X now that we're taking a break from swim class for the winter season.

1 comment:

E and E Bungalow said...

hhaah! what's this with kids and the piano? little e likes to play on mom/dad's piano too! will captain x be the next Mozart? I bet he will have lots of music training considering his daddy loves music!:)